Monday, March 29, 2010

its all that .. (!)

hey guys!

that's two posts in a day, but then, that's the point right. expression and all that :)

re-discovered bruce springsteen today. 'the boys are back in town' and 'Cadillac ranch'. wow! no wonder he was so goddarn popular  =)

took a long walk today, got a friend over and drank awesome khus juice!

started entrance preparation like Finally! logical reasoning and all, its actually great fun you know; thinking which two statements are logically congruent, clocks and calenders, venn diagrams and all ...

i was thinking about *guess what* *pause*  MATHS today. i don't know one person who doesn't complain about taking (having, rather) maths. 'so hard', 'so much practice to do', 'so much left', 'bad teacher', 'i don't get anything' are like the first of a million complaints. and i have to admit, i'm not that great at maths. but i enjoy doing it; specially geometry. i promise ;P

i read these amazing quotes about it too.
here's a sample:

1) "In mathematics, you don't understand things. You just get used to them." 

2“Mathematics is made of 50 percent formulas, 50 percent proofs, and 50 percent imagination.”

So cool, right? 

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