Saturday, July 17, 2010

Feeling ... Sunny?

Its the third last week of my last holidays before college!

And I'm quite glad. I shall be a student of National Law University, Delhi from the 2nd of August. Sounds good. Really good.

This is probably the time I should feel overwhelmed about how my childhood is over, and I'm stepping into the emphatically-called 'big bad world'. This is when I get to know how bad it really is. ..
Point is, I'm not really feeling anything; not overwhelmed, not overly excited, not .. nothing extraordinary. I generally don't get too happy about stuff, but I expected this time to be different. I mean, I felt so bad about not making it to NLSIU, so why am I not feeling good about making it to the next best?

Nevertheless, a chillaxed life with no work doesn't suit me: and this is the one thing I've learnt this summer. I lose my marbles, laugh at the most inane things, become anti-social at times, and act like a patient of manic depressive disorder. Its not even funny.

I went to shop for buckets and mugs for hostel today. Lol. As silly as it may sound, its quite essential na.

One thing I am happy about is that a lot of my friends will remain in Delhi. I guess that's something to be thankful about.

Anyway, more news later.

1 comment:

thegirlwithoneheart said...

I like the way you write =D

And buckets and mugs LOL! How many do you have?! =P