Thursday, July 21, 2011

Yes, our idea of a DJ is a District Judge ...

I know it's been long, the stats of the page views showed me that. :P
But, I've been busy. I travel for one hour fifteen minutes, get to Tis Hazari, reach court after chamber work at 10:00 a.m. sharp, go about the day's cases, lunch break, work in the chamber and get back home just before 6:30 p.m. after another one hour five minutes of commuting. Once I'm back I'm usually too tired to do anything but watch tv like a bed-ridden patient.

So that's that. But the thing is, I enjoy it. I suddenly can't wait for college to end, even though that's a long, long way ahead. I can't wait to get over mere theoretical studies and the necessities of a degree and start working. I may have expected to learn a lot and enjoy the work, but I didn't expect this feeling of wanting to get out from where I am.

Though there are bad parts: the courts are hot and humid mostly, only the ones with senior judges have ACs. And we have to wait for what seems like aeons sometimes. But I try and listen to whichever case is being heard, so I get to learn even more. And I genuinely don't do much work and I can skip whenever I feel like, so it's pretty cool, all in all.

What I do love, even after two weeks, is the feeling I get when I see lawyer robes all around me; white and black suits and dresses, black blazers and white neck bands. It's amazing. I'm not even a lawyer yet but I already see the other people there, whose cases are being heard, as outsiders.

I'm glad I'm liking my first tryst with litigation, which is something I feel I should do, seeing as most people don't get into legal practice. Will be more regular soon!


Rahul Bhatnagar said...

Umm, I don't know about you, but MY experience with the Tis Hazari courtrooms has been beyond lethal! Hope you noticed how many decades half of those cases have been running for?

nidhi said...

How have you had to go there?
Anyway, trust me, that's what I'd expected, but most cases I've seen over 2 weeks aren't older than 5 years at the most. There are older cases, but definitely not 'decades' old. Although the lag exists, undeniably, so there are definitely old cases, but strangely enough I haven't chanced upon one.

Anonymous said...

Lawyers are always so crisply dressed, even in the crowd. :)

nidhi said...

Haha, thanks (?). Do you happen to know many, then?

Anonymous said...

No, but once in a while, I glimpse a few in the Metro station crowd. They stand out, in their crisply-dressed glory.

I have a few friends who are studying law though.