Saturday, October 1, 2011

Love thy life.

So on a random webpage today, I saw an ad that had a video and it said 'Hover for audio'. And I did. And this may sound juvenile but I was struck by it's awesome-ness. Now I'm hardly what you'd call a tech-freak. And to be honest I have neither ability nor interest in all of that. But the idea of moving your mouse pointer to a specific place to activate audio is so, SO cool. And I'm not sure how hard that is to do, but it still seems quite fantastic. 

That got me to think about how our lifestyle is full of these amazing things that we don't necessarily appreciate.Now I don't want to start on the whole be-thankful-for-all-that-you-have and the world-is-such-a-beautiful-place sermon, but it's kinda sad that we humans get accustomed to things so very easily. At one point of time motion sensor games had me awe-struck: now I'm just like, haan, khud se move hoti hai, what so great types. And well, as much as I don't want to use this phrase, we take it for granted. I'd love to be able to feel the initial excitement that I did when such stuff just started. I mean even  the fact that I didn't have to use inkpots and fill my fountain pen everyday because ink cartridges became available used to make me happy. 

So I think we should - when we're bored, at least - look at the everyday things we use and observe how it's made our lives so much more convenient. Like typing here instead of writing a journal, which is such a pain. And ctrl+F, which I hope can somehow be incorporated in every place I go to, like my room, my drawers, a tiny store in a maze of shops, and even real books. 

So let me go think about the many uses of plastic now.

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