Saturday, June 11, 2011

Liberation? From what, I liked this place.

Exams got over today.

Somehow I never have that, 'Oh, exams are over', 'let's go crazy', 'let's party', and the rest of that crap. And hence, right now my friends are at hard rock cafe while I'm writing you this. It's probably because I don't get too stressed about exams in the first place to experience such relief when they end. But then, I like to believe that I'm not of those extreme emotions types.

Nonetheless, I went and watched Shaitan today. Anurag Kashyap, need I say more?
Anyway, so the movie was really cool. Very awesome, very snazzy, very my generation will love it, yours will gawk at us type, is how I described it to my mom. It's got Rajeev Khandelwal as the cop. He's pretty awesome. All the other actors are very good too, Kalki, Shiv and Neil come to mind immediately. It's a little slow, but the speed is not what you shoud watch this for.

The background score is simply splendid. It's an assortment of various artists, including Bhayanak Maut, whose earliest memory I have was through mtv. The camera work is simply awesome; they've used like every technique there is, it's gorgeous. And, like thegirlwithoneheart said (make that repeatedly said), there was so much emphasis on every little detail, it was like every scene looked so untouched and natural, totally unlike movies where plaster casts are on the right arm in one scene, and on the left in the next.

Good movie, watch it.

Oh, and and I'm going home tomorrow. For a whole month and a half. The best part is not having to pack all properly like the outstation people, but still, I have no idea how I got so much stuff in this little room in the first place.

Time for mosquito hunting, turrah.


thegirlwithoneheart said...

You mentioned me! Yay.
Also, I swear it's such a coincidence that both our latest posts talk about the same thing, 'cuz I did NOT see this before I posted mine. =D

Anonymous said...

I emphathise.