Sunday, May 16, 2010

Chhoti si Aasha

I want to be a biker
and travel wide all alone

I want to feel the rush of air
On my face
and feel my hair flying

I want to learn to play the cello
Wear that dress and play on stage.

I want to see people standing in ovation
I want to be deafened by their applause.

I want to read my name on book-covers
I want to read fabulous reviews on the back

I want to be quoted by them, I want to be heard.

I want to influence. I want to inspire.
I want to affect, I want to move.

Move hearts, move feelings
Move people, move nature

I want to change, yes I want to change
I want to change this very world. I want to transform every cloud every leaf every speck.

I want I want I want.

1 comment:

Sarthi Sawhney said...

i really really like this one nidhi!

good job!